Red High Heels


So, after 7 years in real estate I have many funny real estate stories to share! Someone told me once, that real estate agents need to write a book! The circumstances that we find ourselves in can be down right…well, let’s say questionable! I call mine, my shining “blonde” moments.

I’m hoping to find myself a perma-grin today with funny things you have experienced and learned from in your day to day real estate careers, please comment and share below!

I’ll go FIRST!


The first listing I took was a mere 1.5 hours from my location. Nothing to far, for a hungry, excited agent ready to jump in with both feet (literally)!

Well, between my full-time job and managing a rural listing 1.5 hours away, I had a small window where I could run up to the cottage and get video! It was mid winter, boat loads of snow…and on my feet were two red high heels. With no time to stop in-between and make the remaining days schedule, I arrive on the scene to find a 4′ high snow pile. On the other side of this pile is the 900′ trek to the cottage. I plan to video the land leading to the cottage, and tell myself it is time to just go for it. So, I make my leap, knee deep in snow recording video via my telephone.

I make it about half way, and have to start RUNNING because it is freezing! Meanwhile, attempting a video that does not resemble The Blair Witch Project! Ok, froze no more video…RUNNING FASTER. As I get closer to the cottage I realize things look different?! Oh heck, I look to West and low and behold about 50′ from me is the plowed driveway to the cottage, I am SUPPOSED to be at! #realestate101

Comment your sillies below! I can’t wait to read them!